The Gator Run 5K

I entered into my first 5K race ever on January 26th, 2013, known as The Gator Run.

It was the first time that UF has ever hosted this event before, so I was lucky enough to be able to be a part of their first time. I actually underestimated the difficulty running at 5K, but it was still a good experience. I definitely cannot wait to sign up for the Color Run next year!

Some things I wished they could have improved on:
1. Giving more information prior to the event (i.e. the running route,)
2. Separating the powder at every kilometer, like the Color Run (they only did it 4 times including the start and the end)
3. Allow the pick up of t-shirts and etc. ahead of time (e.g. allowing pick up at Emerson Alumni Hall)
4. No headbands! The only people that I saw who wore them were people who were in charge of the event, which were the Florida Cicerones.



Here is a before and after picture of with one my sorority sisters, Alyssa.


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